Call for Presentations

*Please read this information in its entirety before submitting!

Share Your Expertise as an Esteemed VISION Presenter
Submit Your Session Proposals by March 15

ACTE's CareerTech VISION is the premier annual gathering of career and technical education (CTE) professionals. Happening December 9-12, 2025, in Nashville, Tennessee, VISION features an exciting, educational and inspirational agenda packed with hundreds of concurrent sessions, our CareerTech Expo, awards and recognition programming, and a rich array of networking opportunities.

This year, we are seeking session proposals that address the
 full range of issues facing CTE educators, administrators and other key stakeholders as they strive to prepare students with the knowledge and skills to succeed in the 21st-century economy. While we welcome and WANT proposals covering ALL CTE issues and content areas, member feedback has indicated that the following content is most needed:

  • Sessions targeted toward educators working in specific disciplines of CTE (i.e. business and marketing; family and consumer sciences; health science; engineering and technology; the skilled trades; law and public safety; arts, media, and entertainment; etc.), particularly sessions on instructional best practices and curriculum planning and mapping
  • Postsecondary-focused sessions
  • Sessions for administrators on topics like program marketing, grant management and fundraising
  • Sessions on critical and timely CTE issues like the educator pipeline (recruitment, retention, and professional and leadership development), AI in the workforce, meeting the needs of special populations, and work-based learning
As an esteemed VISION presenter, you will have the opportunity to:
  • Build your professional network and portfolio
  • Gain professional recognition of your expertise by other CTE, business and industry leaders
  • Be a part of the vibrant community that makes VISION the must-attend event for CTE professionals
  • Learn from your peers and leaders in the field by taking advantage of the conference's comprehensive agenda covering high-quality secondary and postsecondary CTE
  • Receive a reduced conference registration rate
ACTE is looking for representatives from a variety of backgrounds, expertise and experience to craft informative and relevant programming. We encourage individuals from all career levels across the entire CTE field to submit proposals! Our selection committee will be evaluating the content of submissions on the relevance and importance of the topic, the depth of content to be presented, the practical application of the content, audience engagement strategies, and how well the individual session fills a unique need in the VISION program.
The deadline for all presentation proposal submissions is March 15 at 11:59 p.m., Central.


VISION presentations are intended to be presented by career and technical educators for career and technical educators. While ACTE greatly appreciates companies supporting CTE and education through products and services, promoting or selling products and services during program sessions is strictly prohibited. Proposals promoting products, materials, or services will not be considered for program sessions. ACTE's CareerTech VISION offers Exhibitor Workshops for purchase designed specifically for this purpose. Individuals who wish to purchase an Exhibitor Workshop should contact  A practitioner-submitted session may mention a product or service, provided that the ideas and strategies being presented can be implemented with or without that product or service.

Program sessions will be scheduled for 45 minutes. Be sure to craft your presentation in a way that allows ample time for Q&A or other interactive elements. Attendees appreciate detailed information about how to implement a program, initiative or strategy; analysis of a problem or issue; and focused conversation. Also keep in mind how your session can be applicable across institutions of multiple locations, types and sizes.

Effective sessions will also provide a meaningful presentation materials or online resources that allow the participants to further their learning experience, or implement what has been presented. It is highly recommended that presenters provide electronic presentation materials, handouts, templates and/or follow-up materials for participants before, during or after the event. Participants should walk away with a clear understanding of how to implement the content of the presentation into their own practice and have the tools to do so.

Additional Tips for Session Proposals:
  • Sessions that are clearly focused on a specific CTE program, topic or target audience have a higher chance of being accepted than sessions marketed to everyone.
  • Attendees are looking for interactive, practical sessions, with information they can take home and use immediately in their classrooms, programs and institutions. Emphasize and elaborate on how you will meet these goals in your session submission.
  • Consider the time available - only 45 minutes - when crafting your session. Choose a topic that you can provide enough information on in that time period so that attendees can easily replicate or implement the program, practice or initiative once they return home.
  • Be sure your title makes the topic of your session clear - this will allow attendees to search for key words and identify your topic quickly just by reading your title.
You must submit your proposal using our online system. Emailed, faxed and mailed proposals will not be accepted. However, it is highly recommended that you save the text of your proposal in a separate document from which you can cut and paste as a precaution against any submission issue with your proposal.

In order to submit your proposal, you must create an account through the submission website. If you previously submitted a proposal for VISION, you already have an account. Please use the search function to locate your account. If you are submitting a proposal for the first time, you will need to create an account. If you are submitting a proposal on someone's behalf, please do not submit your contact information or bio. Please use the contact and bio of the presenter. The information entered will appear on our website and other marketing materials, so please submit the information for the actual speaker(s).


The information gathered during this process will be used to promote the programming at VISION and to prepare marketing materials. Please be sure that the information you provide is complete, accurate and grammatically correct.

Below are the questions that you will be asked during the proposal submission.

  • Title of Session: 10 words maximum; may be edited for publication. Please be sure to include keywords in your title to ensure searchability. (Ex. If your session is about work-based learning, try to include the phrase “work-based learning” in your title.)

  • Short Session Description: 150 words maximum; may be edited for marketing purposes. Describe the content of your presentation. Please be specific about topics to be covered and what attendees will learn. Include information about the application of your content as well as tangible resources you will share and how you will make your presentation engaging and interactive. Make sure there is enough detail that session reviewers (and later potential attendees) can get a good sense of what you will be sharing. 

  • Session Learning Objectives: 2-4 specific objectives that describe what participants will learn or gain from the session.

  • Target Audience Description: 100 words maximum. Describe the target audience for your session, including their role, experience level, type of institution or setting, and specific needs or interests your session will address. Think about what audience is most likely to develop and implement what you are presenting.  

  • Target Audience Role: Who would benefit most from attending your session? Think about who would actually implement or apply the information you are sharing. 

  • Administrative Staff: Individuals responsible for oversight of multiple CTE programs or program areas (including individuals at the institution, district/region or state level and including staff that have a critical role in supporting CTE programs such as grant writers, data specialists, IT, etc) 

  • Instructional Staff: Individuals responsible for direct program operation and classroom instruction 

  • School/College & Career Counselors: Individuals that guide students in academic planning, personal development, career exploration, college preparation and/or job placement, while collaborating with educators and families to support student success and well-being 

  • Work-based Learning Professionals: Individuals that operate or oversee work-based learning programs 

  • Other audience (You will be asked to specify) 

  • Education Level Focus: Which sector of CTE is your session primarily targeted toward?  

    • Secondary CTE (middle school and high school programs)

    • Postsecondary CTE (also including programs for adults/dislocated workers, apprenticeships,etc.)

    • Secondary & postsecondary CTE (applicable across both secondary and postsecondary sectors or specifically about cross-system alignment, such as dual enrollment programs)

  • CTE Program Area: Is your session applicable across all CTE, or primarily related to one specific CTE career area? 

  • All CTE (i.e.classroom management, integration of academics into CTE, work-based learning, etc.) 

  • Agriculture (these sessions should be submitted through our partners at NAAE) 

  • Energy & Natural Resources 

  • Arts, Media and Entertainment 

  • Business and Marketing

  • Engineering and Technology (includes engineering, STEM, computer science and IT program areas) 

  • Family and Consumer Sciences 

  • Health Science 

  • Law, Public Safety & Security  

  • Skilled Trades (such as Construction, Advanced Manufacturing, Supply Chain & Transportation)

  • Other Specific Discipline (You will be asked to specify)

If you choose a specific content area, you will be asked to name the specific program if applicable. For example, if your session is specific to accounting programs, you would first choose “Business & Marketing” and then answer a pop up question that your session is relevant to one specific program. Finally, you would fill in a blank that it is for accounting programs.  

  • High-Quality Elements: You will be asked to choose the quality elements that are most aligned to your session. You may choose up to two, and must rank them in the order that they are applicable to the content you plan to present. You will choose the element in the first set of options that is most closely aligned to your content, and use the second set to choose an additional element if desired. Full descriptions of the elements are available at and short descriptions are included below: 

  1. Standards-aligned and Integrated Curriculum - This element addresses the development, implementation and revision of the program of study curriculum, including the relevant knowledge and skills taught in the program and the standards on which they are based.

  1. Sequencing and Articulation - This element addresses the key components of the definition of a program of study and the articulation, coordination and collaboration that support programs of study, career pathways and accelerated learning.

  1. Student Assessment - This element addresses the types and quality of assessments used in the program of study, including the types of knowledge and skills that should be assessed, and assessments that lead to recognized post-secondary credentials.

  1. Prepared and Effective Program Staff - This element addresses the qualifications and professional development of program of study staff, including secondary CTE teachers, postsecondary CTE faculty, administrators and other personnel.

  1. Engaging Instruction - This element addresses instructional strategies within a student-centered learning environment that support student attainment of relevant knowledge and skills.

  1. Access and Equity - This element addresses program of study promotion, student recruitment and strategies that support access and equity for various student populations, including by gender, race and ethnicity, and special population status (such as individuals with disabilities, individuals from economically disadvantaged families and English learners).

  1. Facilities, Equipment, Technology and Materials - This element addresses the alignment, appropriateness and safety of the physical/material components of the program of study, including laboratories, classrooms, computers, industry-specific equipment, and tools and supplies that support learning.

  1. Business and Community Partnerships - This element addresses business and community partner recruitment,partnership structure and the wide variety of activities partners should be engaged in to support the program of study and ensure programs are aligned with workforce needs.

  1. Student Career Development - This element addresses strategies that help students gain career knowledge and engage in education and career planning and decision-making, including career counseling, career assessments, curricula, that helps students learn about careers, information about educational opportunities and workforce trends, and job search information and placement services.

  1. Career and Technical Student Organizations - This element addresses CTSOs, which are organizations for individuals enrolled in CTE programs that engage in activities as an integral part of the instructional program, including the delivery and availability of CTSO opportunities for student skill and leadership development.

  1. Work-based Learning - This element addresses the delivery of a continuum of work-based learning involving sustained, meaningful interactions with industry or community professionals that foster in-depth, firsthand engagement with the tasks required in a given career field. Experiences may be delivered in workplaces, in the community, at educational institutions and/or virtually, as appropriate, and include a range of activities such as workplace tours, job shadowing, school-based enterprises, internships and apprenticeships.

  1. Data and Program Improvement - This element addresses collection, reporting and use of data for continuous evaluation and program improvement, as well as appropriate access to relevant data.

  1. System Supports - This newer category within ACTE’s High-quality Initiative covers the structures and supports that must be in place to advance high-quality CTE programs of study at the local level. Examples of these structures and supports include federal, state and/or local funding, policy and advocacy; CTE’s role within a larger system, such as regional or state career pathways or sector strategies; research or marketing that advances CTE broadly; or delivery structures that can support program development and implementation, like Career Academies or Career Clusters.

  • Level of Experience: What level of experience should attendees have with this topic to benefit most from your session?

  • Beginner: Little to no prior knowledge or experience with the topic. 

  • Intermediate: Some experience or foundational understanding of the topic. 

  • Advanced: Extensive experience or deep understanding of the topic. 
  • Additional collateral: You will have the opportunity to upload a file that provides additional information, such as a flyer or existing slide deck about your topic. Please do not create anything new for this proposal, this is just an opportunity to share a few more details about your topic, or an example of something you might share with attendees.  
  • Presenter(s) Full Contact Information
  • Presenter Bio: 150 words maximum 
  • Presenter Headshot for Use on the Website/App: Photo must not be larger than 1024 pixels and must be in RGB color format.
  • CTE Learn Interest: You will be asked whether you have any interest in submitting a course on our CTE Learn platform on the topic you are submitting as a session proposal. If you choose yes, someone will contact you with additional information. You can learn more at
Additional Information:
  • Proposals that include open flame cooking demonstrations will not be accepted due to fire regulations.
  • If you are submitting a proposal on someone's behalf, please use their email address, so that we have their contact information connected to their account. You may enter your email address in the assistant email address field so that you receive a copy of communication.
  • Please make sure you do not use all caps when entering presenter information.
  • Each person may submit a maximum of two proposals. If you submit more than one proposal, please be sure to submit them both under one username and password. Do not create a second username and password when submitting subsequent proposals.
  • Once your proposal has been successfully submitted or saved for editing at a later time, you will receive a confirmation email (usually within 10 minutes). If you do not receive a confirmation email that means your presentation was not successfully submitted or saved. Please note that proposals that have not been successfully submitted will not be reviewed and will automatically be removed from our database.

We are delighted to offer reduced speaker registration fees, which all accepted presenters are required to remit.
thru 7/31
thru 10/13
after 10/13
ACTE Member $475 $525 $575
Non-Member $665 $715 $765

Accepted presenters and co-presenters are responsible for ALL VISION 2025 related expenses, including speaker registration, travel, lodging and meals.

The final schedule will be released by July 15. Please be sure to check your service center account before making any travel arrangements.

Speaker Agreement

By submitting a proposal for ACTE's CareerTech VISION 2025, you agree to:
  • Register for the conference and pay the reduced speaker registration fee by Oct. 15
  • Present your session at the date and time assigned, which could be on Wednesday, Dec. 10, Thursday, Dec. 11, or Friday, Dec. 12
  • Permit ACTE to edit presentation titles and descriptions for length and content
  • Allow ACTE to use your session and contact information for promotion
  • Permit ACTE to record and redistribute your session for marketing and instructional purposes

You also agree that you have read the information on this page in its entirety.

Presentation Notifications

Presenters will be notified about the status of their proposal no sooner than May 30. If you have questions, please contact us at

The deadline for all presentation proposal submissions is March 15 at 11:59 p.m. Central
Presentation Service Center Frequently Asked Questions

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