A CTE Campus Is More Than Just a Sum of the Parts.
Cost: Complimentary
Nov. 29, 12:15–3:45 p.m.
This engaging workshop, hosted by the Association for Learning Environments (A4LE) is designed to provide the participants with best practices when addressing the planning, design, construction, and operations of CTE campuses. CTE directors and staff can see how to best identify instruction spaces that can be flexible, functional and productive in supporting unique curriculum and pathways. Participants in this session will have the opportunity to network with their counterparts and share their challenges in meeting the growing needs their communities, and businesses, when it comes to CTE expansion and connections.
The cte workshop will consist of 3 interactive rotations that highlight how curriculum, industry partners and spaces that enable can be leveraged to craft robust talent pipelines in which all students can succeed. All rotations will consist of a short presentation (10 min), facilitated development of content based on the individual participants (30 min) and reporting out (20 min) with two 15 minute breaks. Curriculum. This rotation will look at the best examples of courses that are innovative in pushing the boundaries on industry driven learning.
Industry Partners. Who are the industry partners who are leading the way by crafting ee relationships: internships, externships, resident experts and so much more. Learn how to develop your own talent pipelines. Spaces. spaces that enable are flexible and adaptable but provide a framework for learning to happen. Discover how a “kit of parts” approach to programming and planning everything from a new cte facility to the distribution of nodes of learning.
Building Bridges Between Secondary and Postsecondary CTE Dual Enrollment Programs 
Nov. 29, 8:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
Cost: $175
More and more, colleges are collaborating with local school districts to create a seamless pathway that opens more opportunities for students in career and technical education. For those partnerships to work, school districts and local community colleges must intentionally collaborate to remove barriers, align the work, and advocate for students while insisting on rigor with scaffolded support for all students. This session will focus on creating a common language to support rigorous academic preparation, open opportunity knowledge, and build student agency. Educators must intentionally build holistic student support if career and technical education certificates and licenses live up to the expectations and needs of industry. Finally, this session will analyze the gaps that have paralyzed student success: instructional expectation gaps, institutional expectation gaps, and inter-segmental expectation gaps. Exploring how perceptions and operations have led to expectation gaps and opportunity gaps that are commonly referred to as an achievement gap, participants will brainstorm these gaps as it applies to their work and leave with conversation starters to re-energize the work in their perspective organizations.
Building Strong Business-School Partnerships 
Nov. 29, 8:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
Cost: $175
Business and school partnerships are absolutely critical to a successful career and technical education program (CTE). But are your partnerships impacting student learning and your community?s workforce needs? This session will help you improve and strengthen partnerships between businesses and schools by examining successful case studies and following an 8-step partnership process. Participants will receive exemplary tools and resources to create powerful partnerships in their communities. The presentation team from Ford NGL, featuring Paula Chaon and Marc Hill, brings extensive experience in CTE, Chamber, and Industry backgrounds. You?ll also have a chance to interact with additional practitioners in several Ford NGL communities and learn what has made their partnerships successful and scalable.
CTE Admin. 101 
Nov. 29, 8:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
Cost: $175
This highly engaging workshop is designed for new and aspiring secondary CTE directors. It is designed to help participants understand the components of High Quality CTE Programs of Study and what a director's role is in supporting them. Participants will have the opportunity to network with their peers about their challenges and solutions while learning from seasoned CTE professionals. Participants will also walk away with various templates and ideas that they can take home and make their own.
Creating a CTE Pathway in Outdoor Recreation 
Nov. 29, 9:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m.
Cost: $175
The outdoor industry is growing. Last year, 168.1 million Americans enjoyed outdoor recreation activities. Recent statistics, from the Outdoor Industry Association found 55% of the U.S. population over the age of 6 participated in outdoor activities in 2022. This number surpasses the number of Americans who attended sporting events. This growth highlights the need for career pathways and a workforce development. Secondary and postsecondary Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs have a role to play. But, the current landscape is not well defined. Programs are working independently without a shared vision or collaborative resources. This session will bring together outdoor recreation industry professionals, state leaders in outdoor recreation and the outdoor economy, nonprofit outdoor recreation programs and groups, secondary educators, and CTE educators and administrators from across the country. Together this dynamic group will review and analyze how states are currently integrating outdoor recreation careers into CTE programs and barriers industry and educators face developing CTE outdoor recreation pathways. Participants will spend time working collaboratively to generating a strategy for developing national CTE competencies in outdoor recreation and create a plan for integrating these competencies in CTE programs. Participants will also discuss program components for an outdoor recreation in CTE including work-based learning, industry partners, cluster alignment, and marketing. The goal of this session is develop a momentum through CTE for this emerging career pathway.
Cultural Humility: A Viable Approach to Student Success and Belonging 
Nov. 29, 1:00–4:00 p.m.
Cost: $175
Cultural humility is a practical approach that focuses on co-building and co-sustaining meaningful relationships between educators and the diverse students they serve. This concept aims to establish cross-cultural connections with students and their families to create a purposeful, thoughtful and substantive relationship between home and school. This workshop will provide strategies to address students' sense of belonging and academic success. Participants will also examine barriers to cultural humility. The session will be interactive, reflective and thought-provoking.
Delivering Engaging Instruction for ALL Students
Nov. 29, 8:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
Cost: $175
It can be challenging to make every student feel included, connected and engaged in their learning. This interactive session will share strategies to better support learning engagement and course completion through global issues and skills:
- Creating inclusive learning environments to support all students
- Connecting learning with real-world contexts to relate to students' different backgrounds and life experiences
- Associating class content from different career clusters with global competence and employability skills
Free tools and resources will be highlighted and shared including the Global Social Justice Education Framework, administrator tools, faculty professional development modules, student resources and more.
Game-Changing Methods to Instill a Completion (All-In) Mindset in Students
Nov. 29, 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
Cost: $300
This full-day session will be dynamic, inspiring, and actionable! Join acclaimed generational, education, and career expert Mark C. Perna as he connects every dot and delivers the powerful methods now needed to reach students, parents, stakeholders, and communities in a fast-changing world. Whether you?re an administrator, teacher, or support staff member, you will benefit from Mark's cutting-edge, in-demand tools to transform the student experience. In CTE, it's all about retention and completion. Based on his work with organizations around the country, Mark has evolved a powerful framework to shift Gen Z from a passive class-taking mindset to a passionate program completion mindset. Mark delivers key insights on how the younger generations think, what makes them tick, and how they make decisions. By understanding what motivates Gen Z, you can show them why completion matters, help them set goals, and inspire them to leverage their program for a bright future. Discover how to shift the paradigm to position CTE as the proactive first choice for your community, instead of a reactive second choice. This will change the game as you get more of the right students, in the right programs and pathways, all-in for the reasons that are right for them. Across North America, countless leaders in education, employment, and economic development are using Mark's methods to significantly increase program completers and connect the pipelines between education and employment. Now, it's your turn. With built-in reflection time, this session will set the stage for your students to achieve ultimate success by finishing what they started—and change the game for CTE in your community!
More Than Sad Suicide Awareness Training 
Nov. 29, 1:00–5:00 p.m.
Cost: Complimentary
According to a 2021 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report, suicide is the 11th leading cause of death in the U.S., with 48,183 Americans who died by suicide that year. In 2021, there were an estimated 1.70 million suicide attempts. The 2021 Youth Risk Behaviors Survey indicates 10% of youth in grades 9-12 reported they made at least one suicide attempt in the past 12 months. More Than Sad suicide awareness training has taught over a million students and educators how to be smarter about mental health. Participants in this class will increase their understanding of the problem of youth suicide, the risk factors that lead to suicide, and the treatment and prevention of suicidal behavior in adolescents. Participants must attend the FULL THREE-HOUR CLASS to obtain a certificate of completion.
Pack Your Bags for the Future: Trends Driving Change 
Nov. 29, 1:00–5:00 p.m.
Cost: $175
The future of work is being created now, are your students ready for it? Forecasters predict that over the next decade, waves of exponential technology advances will eclipse decades of breakthroughs in both scale and impact. Metatrends are the changes that drive change across all industries and revolutionize the workplace that we are equipping students to enter. Join Rachael Mann for a fast-paced pre-conference workshop on how metatrends such as Artificial intelligence (AI), Extended Reality (XR), autonomous vehicles, robotics, digitized goods and services, demonetized tech, the smart economy and more will continue to transform each career cluster, and what these changes mean for how we approach teaching and learning. Through a thoughtful narrative on where we’ve been, where we are, and where we are going, participants will discover what to pack for the future. Pack your bags, the future is here!
Partnerships for Developing and Revising High-Quality CTE Curriculum
Nov. 29, 1:00–4:00 p.m.
Cost: $175
Business and industry representatives need to be actively engaged in the curriculum development and revision process. Too often partners don't feel comfortable or know how to become involved in schools, even though their input is necessary to ensure students are prepared for the workplace. This interactive workshop will allow CTE teachers/faculty or administrators to explore ways to engage partners in CTE curriculum development, as well as focus on stakeholder engagement in the curriculum revision process. Copies of the
Curriculum Development & Design in CTE will be available in the ShopACTE bookstore with a 10% discount.
Systems of Support: the Often-Missed Connections Between SEL and WBL
Nov. 29, 1:00–4:30 p.m.
Cost: $175
While Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and Work-based Learning (WBL) are often approached as individual pillars of school reform, greater impact is possible through a comprehensive system of support. This session will begin with the exploration of SEL & WBL as standalone approaches and evolve to highlight the synergy between SEL & WBL as integrated components of a meaningful student experience, improving efficacy and outcomes for students. In addition to addressing the benefits for students, school-wide impacts will also become evident as the connection between SEL & WBL strengthens the system of support and increases relevance within content delivery. Participants will be guided through a series of use cases and exercises to challenge their thinking on the convergence and beneficial impacts of connected SEL & WBL approaches. * It is recommended that participants have access to a laptop during this session.
State Leaders Training Program 
Cost: $25
Nov. 29, 8:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.
The State Leadership Training Program provides current and perspective state leaders with leadership training in addition to specific instruction in association management. This program is based on the criteria for effective leadership, defined by the Quality Association Standards (QAS), an annual benchmark for state associations to evaluate their programs, services and organization. The QAS covers key aspects of association management, ranging from finances and bylaws, to programs and marketing. By using the QAS as the structure for the program, participants become familiar with the essentials of association management and are able to apply the concepts they learn about to their own state association. The instruction is facilitated by subject matter experts from ACTE’s state associations, staff or partners.
In-Person Tours
Behind the Scenes - Hyatt Regency and Phoenix Convention Center Tour
Nov. 29, 1:00–4:00 p.m.
Cost: $85
Take a behind the scenes tour at the Hyatt Regency and Phoenix Convention Center. Managers of each department will guide you through the various departments of each property to showcase many career pathways for students.
Chandler-Gilbert Community College Tour SOLD OUT
Nov. 29, 9:00 a.m.–12:45 p.m.
Cost: $85
Take a tour of Chandler-Gilbert Community College and see how they are preparing successful future, high-demand professionals with specialty programs in career and technical education. These industry-based, workforce programs combine academic learning with hands-on, real-world experience to give students the knowledge and skills to compete in the job market.
For example, artificial intelligence (AI) program curricula teaches AI and emphasizes related elements like robotics, automation, big data analytics and cybersecurity. It also trains students to be proficient in cloud computing, data visualization and data mining, enabling them to extract insights from large datasets and solve real-world problems using machine learning algorithms.
Our Aviation program offers FAA exam preparation. The AAS in Airway Science Technology, flight emphasis, includes certifications for single/multi-engine and flight instructor. The AAS in Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) prepares students for UAS industry roles with content focused on mission planning, maintenance, laws, data analytics, and project management.
Data Center Tour
Nov. 29, 12:30–5:00 p.m.
Cost: Complimentary, offered as part of an NSF grant
As computing continues to move to the cloud, the data center industry is slated to grow significantly over the next decade. Join us for a tour of the Aligned Data Center where you will be introduced to data center operations as an emerging discipline, focusing on the growth patterns of the data center industry, skills required for technicians, a suggested postsecondary curriculum, and outreach strategies.
Glendale Community College Cybersecurity Tour
Nov. 29, 9:30 a.m.–12:45 p.m.
Cost: $85
Glendale Community College’s (GCC) Cybersecurity program has been named a National Center for Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense and has been accepted into the Academic Engagement Network by the United States Cyber Command. Students are provided hands-on learning experiences through real-world defense exercises, cybersecurity competitions, and through GCC’s newest addition, a GAUCHO Security Operations Center (GSOC).
Come tour the state-of-the-art cybersecurity labs and see how students develop proficiency as Tier 1 & Tier 2 SOC analysts and monitor actual clients' network data logs while serving the needs of the local community.
GateWay Community College Health Sciences Education Tour
Nov. 29, 10:00 a.m.–12:45 p.m.
Cost: $85
Join us for an exclusive tour of one of GateWay Community College’s (GWCC) five campus locations. GateWay is one of 10 community colleges in Maricopa County, and it is known as the workforce college. It offers more than 160 academic programs, including such as certificate programs, associate degree programs, bachelor degree programs, and non-credit continuing education programs. Participants will tour the 18th Street campus and explore many career pathways in health sciences education.
Allied Health: Programs such as Phlebotomy, Law Enforcement Phlebotomy, Pharmacy Technician and ECG Technician are all offered on this campus. These programs are excellent opportunities for students to begin careers in health care. GateWay also offers a Health Professions Educator certificate program that takes talented industry experts and provides essential knowledge and skills to transform them into CTE educators.
Nursing: The Nursing Division offers programming for those who wish to become nurses and nursing assistants. With a wide variety of different program and continuing education offerings, GWCC provides educational opportunities to meet the needs of both current and future nurses.
Healthcare United at GateWay (HUG) Clinic: HUG is a student-led health care clinic that provides pro bono services for underserved community members. This unique environment gives students increased hands-on experience under the supervision of licensed clinicians, which fosters increased confidence. Additionally, HUG partners with local universities to expand community outreach and to increase collaborative education between different health care programs.
Phoenix Police Academy Tour
Nov. 27, 4:30–6:30 p.m.
Cost: Complimentary, participants must provide their own transportation
Come see the state of the art police academy at Phoenix Police Department. Learn about changes in entry level training, expanded curriculum and skills taught to new recruits. Experience the virtual reality training system recently added to the academy facility. Meet academy staff and tour the whole facility.
Limited to the first 24 registrants. Participants must arrange transportation. Parking is available at the academy.
West-MEC Southwest Campus Tour SOLD OUT
Nov. 29, 9:15 a.m.–3:00 p.m.
Cost: $125
Join us as we explore West-MEC’s Southwest Campus, one of the largest career and technical education districts (CTEDs) in Arizona, serving more than 37,000 students from 48 high schools across 3,800 square miles. The Southwest Campus was built in 2016 and covers 17 acres within the city of Buckeye, Arizona, one of the fastest growing cities in the United States. Last year, the city boasted 1,500 new jobs and 800,000 square feet of new business services.
The construction of the Southwest Campus focused on sustainability practices and is home to Arizona’s first net positive energy certified educational structure, the NEX Building.
The campus incorporates innovative partnerships, including a shared space with Estrella Mountain Community College, and training labs with the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station. Additionally, West-MEC collaborates with Nestle and Kore Power to ensure a pipeline of qualified talent to meet growing economic needs.
The campus is home to 14 industry aligned CTE programs:
- Automotive Technology
- Dental Assisting
- Electrical Trade Specialty
- Energy & Manufacturing Systems
- General Construction Technology
- Hairstyling
- IT Security
- Medical Assisting
- Medical Laboratory Science
- Pharmacy Scienc
- Physical Therapy
- Veterinary Science
- Water Systems
- Welding Technology