Career Pavilion: A Career Fair for Educators on Behalf of Their Students
You are among your students’ best sources of information about career opportunities. Outside of your discipline, are you up to speed about the wide range of emerging career pathways available to students today?
We invite you to join us at CareerTech VISION for Career Pavilion!
Career Pavilion highlights business and industry sectors that are struggling to identify a workforce - some traditional and some you may have never heard about. This event provides you the opportunity to interact with industry representatives to help you inspire your students about their future career options. It’s also a venue designed to spur discussion and action to address the gaps that exist between education and the workplace.
Career Pavilion presenters, representing many of the CTE career pathways, will provide specific career information. This may include broad information about their business or industry sector, detailed information like starting salaries for specific occupations, a curriculum that might be used in a CTE program or specific skills gaps within their industry.
The Career Pavilion is a free activity, chock full of resources for you to use with your students and located immediately adjacent to the conference registration counter in the Phoenix Convention Center. A free reception from 4:00- 5:00 p.m. will include refreshments.