Service Centers
- To help you in the process of developing your session, your one-stop-shop is the Speaker Service Center.
- To get started, enter your username and password. Your username and password were included in your acceptance email.
- If you have any questions or need assistance contact Jaime M. Alston, CMP, Director of Meetings & Events
- This Attendee Service Center helps you plan for a successful conference experience.
- Once you login, you will be able to view and edit your registration.
- Your username and password were included in your registration confirmation email.
- Please contact ACTE staff by email or at 800-826-9972 should you have any questions regarding your registration.
- Take advantage of the Exhibitor Service Center to assist you in your pre-show planning.
- Pre-show checklist for exhibitor manager
- Exhibitor Service Manual
- Register your booth personnel
- Update your booth profile
- If you have any questions or need assistance contact Jim Waterhouse, Sales & Exhibit Manager.
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